Equipment Disposal

Before disposing any old computers, servers, backup drives (cartridges), printers, copiers, etc. there are three basic questions that must be asked by any healthcare provider:

  • Do you have a plan in place for the removal and disposal of outdated computers?
  • Does your plan adhere to appropriate local, state, and federal environmental laws for equipment removal or recycling?
  • Does your plan follow the appropriate local, state, and federal laws regarding the privacy of patient data that may still reside on the equipment in question?

We are excited to now offer a recycling program that includes:

– pickup from your office

– appropriate deletion and destruction of all sensitive data

– proper and legal disposal

Mobile Devices:

– iPhone, Android, iPad:           $10 per device

– Notebook / Laptops:               $15 per device

Desktop Devices:

– desktop computer or printer $ 25 per device

– Monitors < 27″                         $ 10 per device

– Monitors >27″                          $ 35 per device

Networking Hardware:

– switches, routers, etc              $ 5 per device

Server Hardware:

– blade server                              $ 100 per device

– workgroup server                    $ 150 per device

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